Fansipan in January
Fansipan in January, Fansipan weather January, climate, temperature, Mt Fansipan weather forecast in January, what's the best time to visit Fansipan mountain Vietnam?
January is the worst month to climb to Mt. Fansipan. It is the most cloudy and foggy in January in Sapa area including the trail to Fansipan. The temperature is quite cool with little rain. January may be the coldest month of the year. The average temperature is around 7 – 10 degree C. It can be lower when there is monsoon coming from the north. Each time there is a monsoon, the temperature becomes lower and there is little rain. The temperature can be chilly cold when it is really humid in the northern Vietnam. The rainfall is around 140mm.
If you already plan your trip to Fansipan in January, we highly recommend the overnight trek, the tour which includes a car transfer from Sapa town the entrance of the Hoang Lien National park. You will only spend one day to trek to the summit and one more day for the return. Please not the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, the TET festival usually falls into January. During this period most of tourist sites, hotels, restaurants, tourist companies are closed during this period.
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