Fansipan in July
Fansipan weather July, mount Fansipan climate in July, temperature, Mt Fansipan weather forecast in July, what's the best time to visit Fansipan mountain Vietnam?
July may not be the ideal month for planning a Fansipan trekking tour. It is warm in July in Mt. Fansipan, Hoang Lien National Park while it is quite hot in other places in the northern Vietnam. The average temperature in Fansipan mountain is around 20 degree C while it is about 32 – 35 in Hanoi. The sky is clear with much more sunshine. But summer shower get more. This is one of the two worst months in the year for hiking up Fansipan mountain caused by summer shower. The rainfall is around 490mm. Therefore if your tour frame falls into July and that this is not flexible, you still have the opportunity to climbing up to Mt. Fansipan. In this case we recommend the overnight Fansipan trekking tour.
There are also other optional tours which can be combined with your fansipan trekking tours if you travel to Sapa in July such as visit to a ethnic highland market, do a mountain bike tour, take a river boat trip on the Chay river…The fansipan trekking tours can also be extended with some more short treks around Sapa.
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